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My dream is to help as many people as possible live in homes they love, feel good about, and enjoy every day. I believe a beautiful life begins at home... While I can’t physically be involved in every project, I can teach you how to manage your own remodel project like a pro!


If you haven’t moved forward yet with your home design project because you’re hesitant to do it on your own, have a million questions, or simply need help, I can safely guide you through your project so you feel confident in your decisions. My level of involvement can range from a one-time phone consultation or Zoom meeting to ongoing project support via phone, email and video calls.




  • How to make your remodel a success

  • What to watch out for when planning your budget

  • How to define the scope of work for your project

  • Learn the biggest money saving tips

  • How to avoid common remodeling mishaps



  • Virtual 'walk through' design consultation

  • Find the right style for your home

  • Get your design right the first time

  • How to layout and plan your new space

  • Learn how small changes can have a big impact



  • How to select all the finishes

  • Learn the best products to use



  • How to interview contractors

  • How to find and hire quality contractors

  • Learn to request a proper bid

  • How to compare contractor bids



  • Learn which tasks you can do yourself and which ones
    you should hire a contractor for

  • How to schedule all the work

  • How to check the work to ensure you are getting a quality install

  • Finishing like a pro

I want you to feel empowered and confident that you can either do it yourself or hire pros and manage the project on your own. After working with me, you'll know the potential problems to watch for, and you'll know how to make a general calculation of what labor and material should cost. 


Contact us to schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery call today. Or, set up a 1-hour 'Designer On Call' session where you can ask me anything and I give you ideas to improve your home. It's a great way to get started with your home projects that have been waiting to get tackled for too long. The fee is $150/hour. Please include your name, phone number, time zone, and a brief description of your project or questions.

©2024 by Creative Partner - Home & Design.

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